Over the past few seasons, there has been no shortage of great new game modes. Apex LegendsThere’s a lot going on, including the return of Solos, the introduction of Quads, and the addition of a Revival mode that gives you multiple respawn chances. But one staple game mode has fallen victim to all this experimentation: Duos. Nearly four months since it was last seen in the FPS game, Apex Legends is finally bringing back Duos. The wait is over.
For those wondering what on earth happened to Duos, here’s a quick rundown: When Season 21 began in May, Apex Legends introduced the limited-time Solo Takeover. This was exciting, as Respawn had previously refrained from bringing a solo mode back to the Battle Royale game, and there hadn’t been a solo experience since Season 2. However, Duos (the regular staple Battle Royale mode) replaced it. Fans were a bit unhappy that Duos would be gone from the game for a few weeks, but assumed they’d return once Solo Takeover was gone. That didn’t happen, however.
Now, Season 22 has arrived, and there’s still no sign of duos returning. “A little annoyed” quickly turned to “confusing and infuriating” that this core experience is still somehow missing from Apex playlists. But it’s time to let the anger die.
Respawn has announced that Apex Legends Duos mode will return on Tuesday, September 27th. Answering fan questions about X, the studio also confirmed that the duo will remain in the game “at least until the end of the season,” with Season 22 set to conclude on Tuesday, October 29.

While it’s great to see duos back, it’s kind of odd that they’re only guaranteed until the end of Season 22. This comment from an Apex fan on Respawn’s post sums up my feelings perfectly: “Can you honestly explain why you’re suddenly treating a core mode that’s been in the game forever like an LTM that nobody likes?”
While this may just be a generic, vague response from Respawn as they work out their content plans for Season 23, it feels like this once-essential game mode is now seen as “just another mode” that can be rotated in and out of Apex. Of course, trios are the true linchpin of the game, but there are plenty of players who prefer teaming up with one other friend and who enjoy the pace of duos matches. No doubt we’ll be hearing more questions about the fate of duos as Season 23 approaches.
If you’re currently enjoying Apex or are looking for a new challenge, check out our lists of the best multiplayer games and best FPS games for PC.
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