Apple Inc. removed social media services including Meta Platforms Inc.’s WhatsApp and Threads from its Chinese app store, responding to orders from Beijing to close more loopholes in the country’s longstanding internet firewall. The iPhone maker also removed the messaging services Telegram and Signal, according to consultants tracking the space. Apple, which has consistently complied with one of the world’s most rigid internet censorship regimes, said the Cyberspace Administration of China ordered the apps removed over national security concerns. The orders come on the heels of a cleanup program Chinese regulators initiated in 2023 that was expected to remove many…
Author: insighter
Boy was arrested at the scene after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was attacked during a service in Sydney. A 16-year-old Australian boy has been charged with “committing a terrorist act”, police said, over the stabbing of an Assyrian church bishop in western Sydney during a livestreamed service. The teenage suspect was taken to hospital following the attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and was charged in the children’s court on Friday morning. He did not appear in court and his lawyer did not ask for bail, according to Australia’s public service broadcaster ABC. Police charged the teenager after a search…
David Lienemann, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Brett Rowland (The Center Square) The International Monetary Fund warned the United States that government spending and increasing national debt are not sustainable and could hurt the global economy. The Washington, D.C.-based group that represents 190 member countries also called the U.S. economy “overheated.” The debt warning follows several other high-profile calls to address growing U.S. debt. “Amid mounting debt, now is the time to bring back sustainable public finances,” according to the latest IMF Fiscal Monitor report. In its latest World Economic Outlook, the IMF warned that the U.S. national debt…
Benjamin Netanyahu’s representatives have agreed to take US concerns “into account”, the White House says.
NPR is in the hot seat after now former editor Uri Berliner wrote a damning piece, detailing what’s happening at a place he loves and respects.
NASA has confirmed that the object that fell into a Florida home last month was part of a battery pack released from the International Space Station. This extraordinary incident opens a new frontier in space law. NASA, the homeowner, and attorneys are navigating little-used legal codes and intergovernmental agreements to determine who should pay for the damages. Alejandro Otero, owner of the Naples, Florida, home struck by the debris, told Ars he is fairly certain the object came from the space station, even before NASA’s confirmation. The circumstances strongly suggested that was the case. The cylindrical piece of metal tore…
I’ve written about many natural beauty ideas before, but oil cleansing may be one of the simplest. It’s one of the most effective natural beauty tips I’ve found for healthy, clearer skin. Here’s how to add it to your skincare routine and why it can work so well! I admit, I was skeptical before I first tried this oil-cleansing method. My skin is naturally oily and I wasn’t sure it would work for me. I also had very acne-prone skin when I was younger, and was afraid that a method like this would bring back the acne… I was wrong!…
Posted: 4/17/2024 | April 17th, 2024 Japan captured my heart from the moment I firs visited. The delicious food, the rich culture, breathtaking landscapes, vibrant history, and the very friendly and polite people – it all blew my mind. But Japan often feels impenetrable, especially to first-time visitors. While I think Japan deserves a minimum of 10 days, I get that some people might only have a week, so I wanted to write this, my ideal seven-day itinerary for Japan for a first-time visitor. With only a week, there’s not much you can see unless you really rush it. And…
New York would expand access to booze by allowing movie theaters to sell liquor and continuing to let people buy takeout cocktails from bars and restaurants under a series of measures unveiled Thursday. The state Assembly passed the measures Thursday, which are part of the larger state budget agreement. The state Senate is expected to follow before it’s sent to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s desk for signature. The deal was struck between Hochul and leaders of the state Senate and Assembly after a series of closed-door talks. Movie theaters in New York are only allowed to sell beer and…
NewsFeed Video shows a spectacular lightning storm during an eruption on Indonesia’s Mount Ruang volcano. Hundreds of people have been evacuated from the area. Published On 18 Apr 202418 Apr 2024
Screenshot: News Nation YouTube Many conservatives for many years have wanted to end the government funding of National Public Radio. Recently resurfaced tweets from NPR CEO Katherine Maher combined with the suspension of an NPR editor after he called out the outlet’s leftwing bias has renewed the idea that maybe taxpayers shouldn’t be funding it anymore. RELATED: ‘The Rock’ Quickly Caused A Liberal Meltdown By Saying He Wouldn’t Endorse Biden It Was Never a Secret That NPR Has Liberal Bias NPR head Maher has a history of expressing support for racial reparations and climate change ideology – fitting for her new…
Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. shares rose 16% on Wednesday to recoup a sliver of the billions in market value it shed in the three weeks since its debut as a public company. Former president Donald Trump’s media company closed at $26.40, up from its Tuesday close at $22.84, in its best day debuting after a merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp. The rebound came as more than 13 million shares changed hands, while warrants tied to the company rose 30% to $11.45. The swings extend a trend for firms that use special purpose acquisition companies to go public,…