Author: insighter

The 72-year-old is warm, has a youthful air, and smiles easily. You can see why people like Bijoykrishna open up to him. He travels around the countryside in his open-toed sandals, whatever the weather, with his backpack and a supply of roll-up cigarettes. He is old-school, taking down the testimonies with pen and paper.

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  Opinion The Donald Trump campaign put Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on blast after comments he made on a private call surfaced indicating that he had no interest in serving as Vice President. NBC News reported on the phone conversation with supporters in which DeSantis urged Trump to avoid “identity politics” in choosing a running mate while dismissing calls for him personally to join the ticket. “I would want somebody that, if something happened, the people that voted us in would have been pleased to know that they’re going to continue the mission,” DeSantis said. “I have heard that they’re…

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China’s quantitative hedge funds are admitting to unprecedented failures by their stock-trading models during one of the wildest two-week stretches in the market’s history. One manager described it as the industry’s “biggest black swan event.” Another said its models “switched from doing it right to getting it wrong repeatedly.” While historical data on China quant returns is limited, all signs point to record underperformance for such funds—a shock that Man Group has compared with the “quant quake” that wreaked havoc on US managers in 2007. Leading quants each managing more than 10 billion yuan ($1.4 billion) lagged the CSI 500 Index by…

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Tech giant says model is ‘missing the mark’ after controversy over failure to depict white people. Google has temporarily stopped its Gemini AI model from generating images of people following a backlash over its failure to depict white people. The search engine giant made the announcement on Thursday after Gemini users shared images created by the model that mostly featured people of colour, including scenes from history that only involved white people. “Gemini’s AI image generation does generate a wide range of people. And that’s generally a good thing because people around the world use it. But it’s missing the…

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If you’re wondering what it’s like to be a digital nomad living in Turkey, you’re not alone. You’re making a very popular choice and, in all honesty, I can’t blame you. Turkey is a fantastic country with amazing scenery, culture, food, history, and friendly locals. But, before you make your final decision, it’s best that you know as much information about what it could be like, as possible. I lived in Turkey for several years, and I still visit regularly to see my husband. I’ve noticed a real boom in the number of remote workers choosing to relocate to different…

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With the European Commission set to rule on Spotify’s complaint focused on competition in the streaming music market, there are hints that the ruling will not be in Apple’s favor. This week, the Financial Times reported the EC will issue its first-ever fine against the tech giant for allegedly breaking EU law over competition in the streaming music market. The fine is expected to be around €500 million (about $539 million USD), the report noted. Instead of chalking up the fine as the cost of doing business, as a company that made history as the first to be valued at…

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Gardening was once a normal part of life for most people. Not so many generations ago, neighbors exchanged fresh produce over fences (too many zucchini again!). And most people knew their local farmer. Many of us also have fond memories of grandmothers opening a can of homemade pickles or jam. If you’re looking to get started with your own little patch of dirt, here’s how to start a garden. Even though times have changed (Wal-Mart, anyone?), we still have the ability to grow some of our own food for at least part of the year in almost all parts of the…

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Reddit, which officially filed to go public on Thursday, is taking a nontraditional approach with its IPO, analysts say, by making a portion of its shares available to some of its most loyal users before the the general public. If history is any indication, that could yield mixed results for investors. The social network said it would offer site moderators an undetermined number of shares, according to its Form S-1, with more details coming at a later date. Though companies typically reserve some shares for retail investors, the vast majority of stock at the IPO initially goes to institutional investors…

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  Mara Macie, a small group of journalists, and a few others arrived in Panama last Thursday to get a first-hand look at the Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama—a place largely considered one of the world’s most dangerous migration routes. The group was led by Michael Yon, a former Army Green Beret, war correspondent, and expert on the unabated migration crisis happening south of the U.S. border. Macie, who is running for U.S. Congress in Florida’s 5th Congressional District, said she is “very concerned” about the number of people coming through Central America to cross the southern border of…

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