As tensions build between the Biden administration and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza, some of the politics surrounding the conflict are changing.
Biden has sided with the United Nations’ recent call for a ceasefire in the region. But some say that’s just part of the president trying to secure his re-election.
That decision and observation come at a time when some traditional parts of the Democratic coalition have questioned Biden’s continuing unwavering support for Israel and its military actions in Gaza.
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CBS News affiliate WDBJ reports, “Several Muslims are expressing their distrust in President Biden and they’re joined by a good deal of congress in saying, America should not be funding Israel’s war.”
“I think everybody recognizes that Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas that waged the barbaric attack against them,” said Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). “My concern is what Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist gov’t is doing — is not going to war against Hamas but going to war against the Palestinian people in general.”
The story continued (emphasis added):
“People are dying and the truth of the matter is, there are a lot of Muslims in these swing states that President Biden will need to win this re-election,” said Kareem Worthey. “My family is from Egypt and this war has had a negative ripple effect on all of us.”
Kareem Worthey is joined with several other American Muslims who feel The Biden Administration is supporting a genocide.
The anger and frustration is seen and heard in protests across the nation and while disarray at the southern border and a divide in congress will no doubt impact this year’s presidential election – the Israel Hamas war has some, changing their stance ahead of the November election.
“I think if Trump was in office it would be different; with his negotiation tactics that we could find some common ground with American Muslims and innocent civilians in Gaza,” said Worthey. “I think Trump is what the country needs at this very moment.”
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Trump Reaches Out to Arab-Americans Frustrated by Biden On Israel
This frustration on the part of Arab-Americans with Biden on Israel hasn’t gone unnoticed by Team Trump.
The Detroit Free Press reported in February, “The Trump campaign has expressed interest in reaching out to Arab American and Muslim voters in Michigan, according to a Republican activist in Dearborn.”
“Before a Donald Trump rally Saturday night in Waterford Township, officials with his campaign met at a hotel in Oakland County near the rally site with various local Republicans, including three in the Arab American community, said Mike Hacham, of Dearborn, a Republican who supports Trump,” the report noted.
Michigan is an important state for Democrats. But things are not looking good there at the moment for Team Biden – And the Israel issue is a huge factor.
“Michigan has the highest concentration of residents with Middle Eastern ancestry and their votes may be up for grabs amid frustration with President Joe Biden over his policies in Gaza,” the Free Press observed. “Some Arab Americans have launched an ‘Abandon Biden’ campaign and similar efforts calling upon voters to select “uncommitted” or vote for anyone besides Biden in Michigan’s Feb. 27 presidential primary.”
Trump can pick up some of these votes based on having a more practical approach to Israel and Gaza. Those votes, in turn, could be crucial for his 2024 prospects.
It will be interesting to watch how many Arab Americans might stay home. Or how many perhaps even vote for Donald Trump in these tense times.