Court has resumed.

Trump swept in just now, his stride more confident than we’ve seen on some other days.

In the morning, his lawyer Susan Necheles spent hours aggressively questioning Stormy Daniels, seeking to undermine her credibility and motivations.

Trump appeared to be in a good mood as we broke for lunch, offering a tight smile to the press.

Now, we’ll continue to hear from a documents witness, a Trump Organization bookkeeper named Rebecca Manochio, who was in charge of mailing cheques to Washington for Trump to sign while he was president.

Some of those cheques, we now know, were reimbursements to Michael Cohen for Daniels’ hush-money payment.

While her testimony got a bit technical before the break as prosecutors displayed a series of FedEx invoices, the district attorney’s office are likely trying to further connect Trump to the payout.

One of Trump’s lawyers will do a cross examination soon, and we’ll also hear arguments towards the end of the session from Todd Blanche, who told the judge before the break that he planned to file again for a mistrial.

As journalists walked into the courtroom for the second half of the session, an officer checking our credentials deadpanned, “Enjoy the experience.”

I’ll be bringing you more of that experience for the rest of the afternoon from a few rows behind Trump.

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